Brasil x Irlanda, por Thebigspire

TheBigSpire 1 11 33
Hi there!

Algumas semanas atrás, ainda em fevereiro, percebi que, findos um ano de meu retorno ao Brasil, a coisa que mais havia feito neste período entre 2014 e 2015 havia sido a comparação infindável entre a Irlanda (onde morei) e meu país natal.

Eis que, por aqueles dias de fevereiro, comecei a escrever num arquivo todas as diferenças entre ambos os países que conseguia lembrar. Mas não qualquer tipo de diferença: apenas aquelas que ajudavam a explicar porque a Irlanda é um dos países mais desenvolvidos do mundo, enquanto nós ainda estamos bem atrás.

O arquivo cresceu e decidi que gostaria de compartilhá-lo: pode ser útil pra alguém pensando em morar fora, alguém que estude o tema, interessados em cultura geral ou apenas aqueles que querem ver nosso país chegar um dia ao topo do ranking de qualidade de vida.

Aos interessados, o link pro texto segue abaixo.
Há também uma versão em PDF, que pode ser baixada acessando o mesmo link.

Se houver interesse em conversar sobre o tema, fiquem à vontade por aqui mesmo, por e-mail, skype, ... :)



Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
9 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I have never been abroad, but in having lived in different places, moved home etc, I know a little bit of what you talk about and how you feel. Welcome back...

Ref. usdkexpats


Ref. nytimes

So, to me we are still a bit like forty or fifty years ago, my impression.
A great part of it, it's the culture. Just recalling that Ireland was the land of The Land of the Crisis of Potato Famine, but we see it's long long overcome, it's on the past.
Of course there are plenty of challenges ahead, one of them is that people are being censored without knowing, there's the culture of bread and circus, the law of the least effort, etc etc.
Adding insult to injury, somem people say that everything is fine and dandy, never been better!
Anyway, as we know, there's a long way to go! Many people will have to learn, and many changes to be made.
Beggining with the respect and dignity (to begin with a well-deserved pay) toward the lower workers categories, first of them, teachers.

Well, now going back to my task of helping others with English...

And congrats on having learned from your experience, buddy. We always learn.
Artful Dodger 6 14 102

Achei seu texto brilhante: eu o não consegui parar de lê-lo até terminá-lo.
Espero que vejamos em terras tupiniquins algumas das benesses que a Irlanda tem experimentado nas últimas décadas.

TheBigSpire 1 11 33
Muito obrigado pelos elogios, Artful Dodger!

Penso o tempo inteiro nesta relação entre Brasil (onde vivo agora) e Irlanda, onde vivi por 2 anos.

Fico decepcionado com o pensamento preguiçoso e simplista quando vejo pessoas falando que "no Brasil nada presta", "aqui só tem vagabundos", "aqui todo mundo tenta te enganar", "se tivesse na Europa isso não teria acontecido", etc.

É uma detestável síndrome de vira-latas.

A história do nosso país, a qual foi explorado por mais de 300 anos diretamente, além de indiretamente ser explorado até hoje, além de ter tido uma ditadura terrível no meio disso faz com que isso explique quase integralmente a situação a qual nos encontramos hoje.

As pessoas deveriam ir viajar e morar fora com a cabeça aberta, entender porque as coisas aqui são da forma que são e porque as coisas em países desenvolvidos também ocorrem daquela forma, e tentar aplicar as melhores práticas vistas no exterior aqui. Somos um país com um potencial incrível, em vez de sempre cairmos nos extremos do maniqueísmo (que prejudica imensamente o nosso país), deveríamos ser racionais e buscar o diálogo (e posteriormente ações) o maior tempo possível, para quem sabe, um dia, chergarmos ao nível de países como a Irlanda ou outros desenvolvidos.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I hope we will get there, God willing.
You are right, there are lots of shades of grey, things are not just black and white. To know how those shades clearly and not be confused with the cacofony of publicity and panacea, what we need is education.
I mean, not only the formal stuff, it´s to be educated in a critical, informative way - with incentive to participate more, be part of the tissue of society.
And, not of course, just possess the "gift" of destructive criticism but the constructive as well. The moment we have a proactive approach towards finding solutions we are agents of change and development, just a little bit or a big change, don´t matter wich. And I am not talking about a Pollyanna attitude to life.
Would be more towards a "Serenity Prayer" perspective, namely that of "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference."
Must be a balance between being pragmatic and proactive, but taking into account the differences between people, countries, regions, etc, not just loosely transplating ideas from the point A to B.
To change our minds, to adjust and respect the other takes a lot of work, it´s doable, but nobody is saying that it´s easy or quick.
TheBigSpire 1 11 33

We definitely need real education to everyone, starting, of course, with our long-time-overlooked children. The earlier we stimulate'em to use their brain in a critical and rational way, the easier it is to improve our chaotic situation.

From South to North, in private and public institutions, the goal of the big majority of places is merely preparing people for the labor market. Private institutions see their students as customers whereas public institutions, although in a little better condition, have being facing fair strikes and a considerable lack of resources.

There is no rational thinking, no stimuli for our students to understand the real system and therefore try to change what happens out there. If a huge load of students leave the school barely knowing the basics of reading and calculating, how are we supposed to change our situation?

Most of politicians surely don't make any concrete effort to improve things, since current conditions favor them immensely.
TV channels and general media are a big piece of garbage, showing nothing but rubbish 24 hours a day (shameful soap operas, crappy movies, partial and dishonest news programmes). Their profits increase every year, so of course they're not interested in provide us with a better schedule!

What I used to see in Ireland is that education is taken really seriously there. I mean, so damn seriously that people start working only after having finished their university courses (24 to 25 years) whereas in Brazil we generally work and study at the same time soon as we turn 18 or 19.

I could mention dozens of other things that would help us get in a better scenario not very late, however, real education is always the best way to go.
It helps solving all the other problems in a quicker, more mature and efficient way.
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
It all starts right from home, from the family, then setting a role model to friends and then spreading the seed of belief in ethics, work and a bit of change (gradually). I agree education is the very first step, and not a minor one!
TheBigSpire 1 11 33
Em menos de meio ano no ar, foram mais de 2 mil visualizações, sendo que não fiz propaganda desse texto em lugar nenhum, só postei aqui e no meu perfil pessoal no Facebook! Sensacional! Hahaha!

Hoje, resolvi atualizá-lo pela primeira vez, acrescentando alguns itens que lembrei depois e alterando levemente outros.

Sintam-se a vontade para criticar ou opinar ;)

PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I agree that is a refreshing feeling to see that there are ways to get there! it´s all about education, it´s all about many people changing their ways... I am an optimist, I hope we will see the proverbial silver line on our Brazilian clouds, at least we are doing our bit towards this goal.
But sometimes that it´s a tough nut to crack, it is.
Cheers! :)
Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Seu texto é inspirador e muito bem escrito. Informo que tomei a liberdade de compartilha-lo com alguns colegas meus.