Buzzcut, Sidecut or Undercut

Zumstein 1 31 435
A moda do cabelo raspado do lado me parece ser o "sidecut", o nome diz.

O que é um? O que é outro?


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2 respostas
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Cinnamon 16 60 498

Segue uma lista de tipos de cabelo que achei bem bacana:

hairstyle - wikipedia

My favorite words, not just hairdo, but words referring to beard are:

Sideburns = costeletas
Five o'clock shadow = barba por fazer

See you around!
Zumstein 1 31 435
Em inglês:

Buzz cut
- A head sheared all over with a clipper to a length of 1/2 to one inch.

Side cut
- An amazing hair cut where by you shave a side of your hair off.
- May also be called a sideshave.

Under cut
- A hairstyle in which the sides and back are shaved and long hair is grown at the top of the head.
(urban dictionary)

Buzz cut - Cabelo de reco (militar), escovinha.
Side cut - Corte lateral
Under cut - Corte lateral e atrás