Como dizer “A bola do jogo” em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
The key play – (a potential game-changing moment)

1 – The opportunity lost by the player close to the 90th surely was “the key play” of the game.

O lance, a jogada que decidiu ou que poderia ter decidido uma partida.

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1 resposta
Zumstein 1 31 435
Tamanho da bola do jogo: Ball Size (soccer).
Bola nº 3
Size 3 balls – are the smallest balls and are generally used for children under the age of 8.
Bola nº 4
Size 4 balls – are used for players between the ages of 8-12.
Bola nº 5
Size 5 balls – the international standard match ball for all ages 12 and older, including all adult play.