Como dizer "A empresa bancará/vai bancar tudo" em inglês?

Hey guys, I have questions about a subject, soon I'll be abroad, traveling in a business trip.

I was trying to say that in English, but I didn't manage find a good expression to speak this:
"Estou viajando por conta da empresa/ a empresa está bancando tudo"

I have sought for this, I found out: "Everything on undertaking" or something alike, I don't really know if this is right.

Could you guys help me out with that ?

I appreciate any help.

Have a nice day.

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4 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Estou viajando por conta da empresa.
The company is paying for my trip.

A empresa vai bancar tudo/bancará tudo.
The company will pay for everything.

''His supervisor at the mill came to him and said, “Am, if you will go back to school, the company will pay for everything so that you can learn to...'' -

But this choice "everything on undertaking", would that be wrong ?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
But this choice "everything on undertaking", would that be wrong ?

Não é uma opção boa - idiomática, a meu ver. Não recomendo usar.
Great. Thank you for the attention with this issue.