Como dizer "A ira do profeta" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Aprenda a dizer "A ira do profeta" em inglês. Amplie seu vocabulário.

"Após filho barrado, ministro desabafa, critica delação e faz gesto da ira do profeta." (UOL)

The prophet's wrath

Exemplos de uso:
  • The history of Elisha does not end with the prophet's wrath. [A história de Elisha não acaba com a ira do profeta.]
  • They fear the prophet's wrath. [Eles temem a ira do profeta.]
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7 respostas
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Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
"Após filho barrado, ministro desabafa, critica delação e faz gesto da ira do profeta." (UOL)

(1) After his son was stopped, the Justice gets his frustration off the chest and makes an "Off with his head" gesture.

(2) After his son was not allowed to enter in the courthouse, the Justice expresses his anger and makes an obscene gesture.

You should read:
(1) como-dizer-fui-barrada-em-ingles-t43926.html
(2) como-dizer-ministro-do-supremo-tribunal ... 52123.html
(3) ... -his-head/
(4) ... fice.shtml
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
"[...] the Justice expresses its anger [...]"
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Faltou corrigir essa:

"[...] the Justice gets its frustration off the chest [...]"
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Good evening.

That is a valid point, but I have to disagree with you about this.

countable noun

1) A judge or magistrate, in particular a judge of the Supreme Court of a country or state.
Um juiz ou magistrado, em particular um juiz da Suprema Corte de um país ou estado.

2) a judge in a law court (AmE)
um juiz em um tribunal.

3) the title of a judge in the High Court (BrE)
o título de um juiz na Suprema Corte.


A) Justice Sandra O'Connor and other judges ruled that the company had acted illegally.
A juíza / ministra federal Sandra O'Connor e outros juízes decretaram que a empresa havia agido ilegalmente.

B) Mr. Justice Saville ruled in favour of Lloyd’s.
Vossa Excelência, o juiz Saville decidiu a favor da Lloyd.

(1) Oxford Living Online Dictionary.
(2) NIELSEN, Sandro. The Bilingual LSP Dictionary: Principles and Practice for Legal Language. Gunter Narr Verlag. 1994.
(3) GARNER, Bryan A. Black's Law Dictionary. Tomsom West Publishing. 2014.
(4) Pearson Education. Longman Business Dictionary. 2007.
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Me f[...] nessa. Mas o Google não dá muitos exemplos de "the Justice + verbo + pronome possessivo". Agora, o Google traz exemplos de "Justice Fulano(a) + verbo + pronome possessivo".
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454

A- (Chief) Justice Roberts has already made his own thoughts known on the subject, as he soundly rejected the idea of a Supreme Court ethics code in his 2011 Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary.
O juiz Roberts já havia revelado sua opinião sobre o assunto, enquanto rejeitava veementemente a ideia de um código de ética da Suprema Corte em seu relatório de fim de ano 2011 no Judiciário Federal.

B- Instead, the objective of a code would be to set discernible standards for the justices' conduct so that the public could know the norms to which the justices are holding themselves.
Ao invés disso, o objetivo de um código seria estabelecer padrões discerníveis para a conduta dos juízes para que o público pudesse conhecer as normas as quais os juízes devem se ater.

C- The Chief Justice, her brother and how George Gibney got away.
A chefe de justiça / juíza, o irmão dela e como George Gibney se safou / se deu bem.

I believe we can omit the term "chief" without so many problems due to the presence of the possessive pronouns.

I would like to make some notes related to the double entendre and pun. Shall we take a look on the last example?
I admit we can have a problem with the double entendre because there is not a verb after the word "Justice".
In this specific case, the presence of the word "chief" is important in other to avoid misunderstandings, especially in the formal context.

(1) ... index.html
(2) ROBERT J. Hume, How Courts Impact Federal Administrative Behavior . New York: Routledge, 2009.
(3) ... -got-away/
(4) Pozessere, Heather Graham. Double entendre. Sillhouete Books. 1994.
(5) RUSSEL, Ash. It Just Slipped Out: A Bulging Encyclopaedia of Double Entendres.. Headline Book Publishing. 2011.
(6) ... -euphemism
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Ricardo F. Bernardi escreveu:EXAMPLES:

A- (Chief) Justice Roberts has already made his own thoughts known on the subject, as he soundly rejected the idea of a Supreme Court ethics code in his 2011 Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary.
O (Presidente) / juiz / Ministro (do Supremo Tribunal) Roberts já havia revelado sua opinião sobre o assunto, enquanto rejeitava veementemente a ideia de um código de ética da Suprema Corte em seu relatório de fim de ano 2011 no Judiciário Federal.

B- Instead, the objective of a code would be to set discernible standards for the justices' conduct so that the public could know the norms to which the justices are holding themselves.
Ao invés disso, o objetivo de um código seria estabelecer padrões discerníveis para a conduta dos juízes para que o público pudesse conhecer as normas as quais os juízes devem se ater.

C- The Chief Justice, her brother and how George Gibney got away.
A Presidente do Supremo Tribunal /magistrada / juíza, o irmão dela e como George Gibney se safou / se deu bem.

I believe we can omit the term "chief" without so many problems due to the presence of the possessive pronouns.

I would like to make some notes related to the double entendre and pun. Shall we take a look on the last example?
I admit we can have a problem with the double entendre because there is not a verb after the word "Justice".
In this specific case, the presence of the word "chief" is important in other to avoid misunderstandings, especially in the formal context.

(1) ... index.html
(2) ROBERT J. Hume, How Courts Impact Federal Administrative Behavior . New York: Routledge, 2009.
(3) ... -got-away/
(4) Pozessere, Heather Graham. Double entendre. Sillhouete Books. 1994.
(5) RUSSEL, Ash. It Just Slipped Out: A Bulging Encyclopaedia of Double Entendres.. Headline Book Publishing. 2011.
(6) ... -euphemism