Como dizer "A maioria dos pesquisados tem pós graduação (do Brasil)" em inglês
Eu quero escrever que a maioria dos pesquisados tem pós graduação. Aquela que fazemos antes de um mestrado, ou depois da graduação. Já pesquisei bastante e como o curso é diferente de uma pos graduação do exterior, não encontro o termo corrreto... Seria specialization?
3 respostas
Sugestão: "The majority of the respondents/participants hold a postgraduate degree"
Going further, it could also be:
...the majority of the respondents (xx.x %) stated that they held a postgraduate degree." OR
...the majority of the respondents (xx.x %) declared to have a postgraduate degree."
That, in academic works, but if you don't use it you won't be sueid either. Verbs like declared/stated would give a more academic ring to the text, kind of. Mainly if we are talking about surveys taken, etc., in such a case, this detail could be expressed with "according to the/a survey taken in Brazil".
...the majority of the respondents (xx.x %) stated that they held a postgraduate degree." OR
...the majority of the respondents (xx.x %) declared to have a postgraduate degree."
That, in academic works, but if you don't use it you won't be sueid either. Verbs like declared/stated would give a more academic ring to the text, kind of. Mainly if we are talking about surveys taken, etc., in such a case, this detail could be expressed with "according to the/a survey taken in Brazil".