Como dizer "acompanhar a letra da música" em inglês

Como se diz "acompanhar a letra da musica" em ingles?
Exemplo: Eu ouço a música em um site e "acompanho a letra" por outro.
Eu escuto música "acompanhando a letra". Seria " follow" também ou não?

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Eu usaria follow the lyrics, pra mim soa mais natural.

1. Can you follow the lyrics?
2. Scroll the screen and let's follow the screen
3. You could follow the lyrics of the song that was playing

Todos os exemplos foram tirados da internet.
Bons estudos :-)
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Chances are that sometimes the "acompanhando a Letra" would refer to or intersect in meaning with "lyrics subtitles" or "captions".

Other times it could be following the transcription of the lyrics [1] (printed in a paper, for instance):
I listen to the music while following along with a printed copy of the lyrics. (in the case, while following along with the lyrics displayed in another site).

[1] transcription of the lyrics not of the music (keys, chords, etc).

Of course, it goes with context, as always.