Como dizer "andar de um lado para o outro" em Inglês?

DHST 1 3 15

andar de um lado para o outro | andar pra lá e pra cá = pace, pace about, pace around ou pace back and forth

I found Mark at the hospital, pacing restlessly up and down.
Her father was pacing about.
I've had candidates get up and pace around the room mid-conversation.
He was in bed most of the time, or he'd get up and pace around.
I tend to pace around during these debates, snorting a lot and muttering imprecations.
Unless a judge gives special permission, lawyers will no longer be permitted to pace back and forth as they talk but will have to remain seated at their tables while interrogating witnesses.

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1 resposta
jorgeluiz 1 6 92
Concordo com DHST e acrescento Walk to and fro(andar para frente e para trás).

cheers !