Como dizer "Batizado" em inglês

Como se diz em inglês que algo está “batizado” com substâncias psicoativas ou álcool?
Por exemplo: “Não coma esse bolinho de chocolate, pois está batizado!”
“Não tome esse suco pois é batizado”

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6 49 1.3k
Laced with one or more substances, with alchool in your example.
Alcohol-laced cupcakes.

But then some people would have qualms the word "laced" (sometimes associated with illegal ways) so they would prefer
To describe it "alcohol-infused" or "alcohol-soaked/whisky-soaked" cupcakes (an example here, it could be rum, or other kinds of spirits drinks or liqueurs).
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
6 49 1.3k
'Batizado' (tainted) can also be said of milk when 'added water' (adulterated).
When talking about drinks it can be said that it was "spiked", milk, water can be spiked as well (there are bad guys out there).
With gasoline adulteration could be said that it was "added" some substance, kerosene, nafta, premix, diesel (sometimes it happens by accident as well), solvents or cheaper products.
I would think alcohol is a contaminant/adulterant as well, since it causes corrosion to the car exhaust pipe and other parts. But it came to be accepted in some countries. A certain ratio/percentage of admixture came to be oficially allowed.