Como dizer "Brasil Acima de Tudo, Deus Acima de Todos " em inglês

Como traduzir o slogan do Governo Federal atual "Brasil Acima de Tudo, Deus Acima de Todos"?

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2 respostas
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Pode ser Brazil upon all, God upon everybody?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I have seen ‘Brazil above everything, God above all." when mentioning the Brazilian Politics of late.

Elsewhere I have found "God above all things" as it is on the site ignatius
In it the question "How do we put God above all things?" and in other sites "love God above all things".
So, certainly "...God above all" could be short for "...all things", but it gets a bit ambiguous (perhaps by design there) since the "all" can also be "everyone/all people".