Como dizer "cabeça d'água (fenômeno natural)" em inglês

Sei que tromba d'água, ou seja um tornado em contato com o oceano é "downpour", mas, eu gostaria de saber como se diz "cabeça d'água" (fenômeno que ocorre em cachoeiras) em inglês?

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Downpour means heavy rains.
"Tromba d'água" is called water spouts, they form over water or move from water to land. Contrary to what many could think, it doesn't lift or take water from a lake or sea, the water descends (violently) from the cloud.

The other thing I thought when you mentioned waterfalls, is the flash flood that strikes without warning, sometimes coming from miles away. They come from higher terrain and can be the result of water spouts, heavy rains and storms.
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Flash flood é o nome!