Como dizer "Compra e venda de votos" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Buying of votes:Compra de votos
Selling of votes:Venda de votos

Contextos do Google:

The buying of votes to pass a bill that cannot stand on principle or in open negotiation.

I will, in the future, vote for anyone who says (and that I believe) they will work to prevent/stop the selling of votes.


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3 respostas
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I don't sell my votes because they are my way of fight for a better country!

Is that correct?

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Apenas um detalhe: "I don't sell my votes because they are my way of fighting for a better country."

Para mim, sua sentença ficou ok após esta pequena correção.

Good job!
Oh Thanks a lot!
I always forget that after a preposition the verb must has ING.