Como dizer "Consolidar" em inglês

Ola Pessoal,

Tenho uma duvida sobre a frase abaixo:

Consolida-se, assim, a idéia de que a arte não resulta de uma visão empírica, abstrata ou pessoal.
Como eu poderia traduzir " Consolida-se , assim" para o lingles?


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5 respostas
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Flavia.lm 1 10 100

This way, it is consolidated the idea that art don't result from an empiric, abstract, or personal view.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k


Thus,the idea that art doesn´t result from an empiric,abstract and personal view, is consolidated.

Boa sorte!
Henry Cunha 3 18 190

Consolida-se, assim, a idéia de que a arte não resulta de uma visão empírica, abstrata ou pessoal.

As such, what emerges (takes shape / gains shape) is the idea that art is not the outcome of an empirical, abstract, or personal vision.

In this fashion(Seen in this fashion,), the concept of art that takes shape is not the reult of an empirical, abstract, or personal vision.

É bem difícil traduzir uma sentença sem maior contexto. O que seria "assim", afinal?

Flavia.lm 1 10 100

I guess "assim" = "deste modo", i.e. "assim" refers to something that was said in a previous sentence.

Both Donay and I used "view", and you suggested "vision" Is there any diference in their meanings?
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
I really hadn`t noticed. Yes, there is a difference, but it`s hard to tell which better fits here. We`d need to see more context.