Como dizer "contratada; fiscalização" em inglês

Galera, eu tô traduzindo um edital pra uma construtora. Não sou profissional, por isso tô com essa dúvida besta. No caso, eu não tenho certeza se é a palavra ''CONTRACTOR'' para uma frase tipo ''A CONTRATADA DEVERÁ FISCALIZAR SEUS FUNCIONÁRIOS'' ou se tem alguma outra que se encaixe nesse contexto. E também estou em dúvida quanto a palavra ''fiscalização'' numa frase tipo ''A CONTRATADA DEVERÁ ENTREGAR O RELATÓRIO A FISCALIZAÇÃO'', não sei se é SUPERVISION ou outra palavra..

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Contratante: client
Contratada: contractor
Fiscalizar: inspect
Fiscalização: inspection
Fiscal: inspector

Inspect: to officially visit a school, hospital, etc., in order to see if rules are being followed and things are in their proper condition. [Merriam-Webster]
Inspection: an official visit to a school, hospital, etc., in order to see if rules are being followed and things are in their proper condition. [Merriam-Webster]
Inspector: safety/health inspectors [=people who make sure that a place or thing is safe/healthy]; a person whose job is to inspect something. [Merriam-Webster]


I would expect to see "client" as the general title for the person who hires the contractor. [Wordreference - USA]
To my understanding, the person who hires the contractor is the client. [Wordreference - USA]
This form CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT from the Internet Legal Research Group calls the two parties the Contractor and the Owner. That makes sense, because (a) there must always be a property or a business involved, which must have an owner (whether a person or a company), and (b) if the other party is not the owner, he must be a contractor himself who is engaging subcontractors. [Wordreference - UK]
In the US (and I have just checked a UK dictionary; what I am about to say appears to be true there, as well), a contractor is someone who does work related to building construction or renovation. The word typically refers to a company or to an individual who operates as a company. A contractor usually performs the work under the terms of a contract with the owner of the property. [Wordreference - USA]

Bons estudos.