Como dizer "Corrida para a sucessão presidencial" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Eu sei que existe um tópico com o título "Corrida presidencial", mas não tira minha dúvida. Corrida para a sucessão presidencial antecede a corrida presidencial. Trata-se do período de preparação para saber quem substituirá o presidente vigente.

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2 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

presidential primary election

The series of presidential primary elections and caucuses is one of the first steps in the process of electing the President of the United States of America. - Wikipedia
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
In American jargon, we commonly call them "races," or "campaigns.":

primary race: selects the candidates nominated by each political party
presidential race: selects the winner from the general election

Note that generally the incumbent who is entitled to run for a second term (Obama in this case) does not have to go through the strenuous exercise of a full primary campaign, given that there is no other party candidate contesting the nomination. Obama's primary selection next year, for instance, will be unopposed (at least by a serious contender). Lyndon Johnson in 1968 was the last first-term incumbent who was challenged from within his own party for the nomination. He eventually decided not to run for a second term.