Como dizer "Coxinha, Quibe, Pão de Queijo etc" em inglês

Como dizer "Coxinha, Quibe, Pão de Queijo etc" em inglês
Confira algumas sugestões de tradução para o inglês de alguns petiscos comuns no dia a dia do brasileiro:
  • Bolinha de queijo (Cheese balls)
  • Coxinha de galinha (Chicken drumstick)
  • Pão de queijo (Cheese bread or Cheese rolls)
  • Patê de atum (Tuna spread)
  • Ovo empanado (Coated egg)
  • Batata Frita / Deep-fried potatoes = French fries
  • Quibe (Bulgar wheat/meat balls)
  • Salsicha empanada (Coated sausage)

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
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Let's take a look at what we have.

Bolinhas de queijo = Cheese balls
I don't remember having bolinhas de queijo, so I cannot compare them to cheese balls I have eaten elsewhere. This may be a good translation.

Coxinha de galinha = Chicken drumstick

Well, this is interesting. A drumstick is a chicken thigh with the bone inside. I remember coxinhas de galinha as having shredded chicken. The ones I ate were not chicken thighs and the did not have a thighbone inside. Big, big difference.

Paté de atum = Tuna spread
It could be argued that this is a tuna spread. Tuna spreads that I am accustomed to eating have celery, diced pickles, chili, etc. Have you seen an American tuna spread? Quite different.

Ovo empanado = Coated egg
No way. The term describes something entirely different in English. I would accept "breaded egg". Even better would be the name in Portuguese plus the explanation "this is a breaded egg Brazilian style".

Batata frita = Deep-fried potato, French fries

French fries, I accept wholeheartedly. The problem is "deep-fried potato" refers to wedges of potato. No, what makes a French fry a French fry is more than the way it is cooked; it is the way it has been sliced too.

Quibe - Bulgar wheat/meat balls
I understand "Bulgar" (1) to mean someone who is a native or inhabitant of Bulgaria, or the language of the Bulgar people, and (2) it is a noun, not an adjective. I further understand "quibe" to be of Middle Eastern origin, not Bulgarian. I would accept "croquette", but I would prefer to stick with "quibe".

Salsicha empanada = Coated sausage
Sorry, breaded sausage is a much better translation. You may find "coated sausage casings", but I can only think of one "coated sausage". It sounds like the sausage is wearing a coat.

Of all the foods on the list, only French fries are going to be immediately recognized by non-Portuguese speakers. My personal philosophy is not to fix something unless it is broken. In other words, use the original name of the food in the language in which it was created but explain it in the target (English) language.

Let me illustrate. I live in Costa Rica, a Spanish speaking country. It is somewhat common to go to an international restaurant here and be handed a menu in English. The names of the dishes are often translated into English. I know what "lomito saltado" is, what "tacu-tacu" is, etc. The problem is that each restaurant has a different way of translating the names of the dishes. It is so much easier if they use the original name (in these examples, they are Peruvian). If they want to explain in English, fine. But give the original name so that customers will know what on earth they are talking about. In California, I asked in an Argentine restaurant if they had sauce for the steak. The waiter assured me they had a sauce made of olive oil, parsley, clove, lemon juice, thyme, oregano, pepper, etc. I realized he had just given me the recipe for his mother's "chimichuirri". Why didn't he say that to begin with?

Here is a recipe for and a photo of the tuna spread I am accustomed to. I would prefer to have it with diced pickles, but maybe that is just my personal taste. This spread is not fancy, but it's quick and tasty. Does it look muche like the pate de atum in the photo?
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
1 10 100
Thomas, muito obrigada por esclarecer e enriquecer o tópico.
7 62 297
I don't remember if Brazil has "Kentucky Fried Chicken", but "KFC" would definitely sell "chicken drumsticks".

Flavia, I think there is a tendency to translate everything. Why? How on earth would I translate samba, berimbau, cuia, pala, lambada, vatapá, acarajé, churrascaria, etc.? And don't let them tell you that a churrascaria is a steakhouse. A churrascaria is a thousand times better. Some things are so closely tied to a culture that it is best to leave them alone.
1 10 100
Thomas, KFC came to Brazil around 20 years ago (a friend of mine worked for them) but it did not catch on and they closed and never came back. And I do agree there's no reason to translate such things. Coxinha is coxinha and there's nothing to argue about!
Concordo plenamente com o Thomaz , e não se esqueçam drumsticks é baqueta em inglês.
A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
1 10 100
Flavia.lm escreveu:Thomas, KFC came to Brazil around 20 years ago (a friend of mine worked for them) but it did not catch on and they closed and never came back. And I do agree there's no reason to translate such things. Coxinha is coxinha and there's nothing to argue about!
Atualizando... voltaram sim. Tem no shopping center aqui da minha cidade! 8-)
Cheese bun: pão de queijo.