Como dizer "dar continuidade a conversa" em inglês

"Ele não tem interesse em dar continuidade a conversa."

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
3 respostas
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Leonardo96 19 293
He's not interested in keeping the conversation going.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
In another context could be: he is not making an effort to keep the conversation going (in person or via social media). Or "he seems like he is not making an effort..."

At this point, the other party might be thinking "why does it seem like I have to always hold the conversation?"
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Of course, there are other situations, let's imagine "his" brother lives in the same house as a guest (he came to find a job, but has nothing to show for it - his search and willpower is sloppy), "his" wife gets annoyed by the guy coming late from the parties, sometimes drunk.

Now let's say his brother comes back from the parties for the umpteenth time and is giving lame excuses. So we could say that "he (the host guy) see that there's nothing much to tell, so he says "let's cup the crap".