Como dizer "dar mais que chuchu na cerca" em inglês

Qual seria a expressão popular equivalente em inglês, que não seja de baixo calão.

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6 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
Pensei em:

At wild parties Ann and some of the other girls put out a lot to all the other horny boys = Ann and some of the other girls screw a lot.

Ann and [...] maintained excessive sexual relations with all the other boys.
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Hey there!

I believe you could say:

- Like wildfire
Synonym: On the double

(1) Rapidly and intensely (rapidamente e intensivamente);
(2) Everywhere very quickly (Muito rapidamente por todos os cantos; lugares);

Proverb: Dar mais que chuchu em cerca
In Portuguese: Facilmente, abundantemente

Related Portuguese idiom: Espalhar-se como rastilho de pólvora = To spread like wildfire.


1) The new dance has caught on like wildfire in all the popular clubs.
A nova dança caiu no gosto de todas as boates / baladas populares facilmente / rapidamente /
- informal: em dois tempos / pra chuchu.

2) Scandals spreads like wildfire around this office.
Escândalos se espalham como rastilho de pólvora neste escritório.


Sincerely yours,


(1) MIFFLIN, Houghton. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Harcourt Publishing Company. 2016.
(2) Cambridge Online Dictionary.
(4) BAKER, Mona; SALDANHA, Gabriela. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. New York: Routledge. 2008.
Marcio_Farias 1 24 214
I believe we may say, "Scandals spread like..." IOW, we should use the verb in the plural.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
It also could be expressed by one of these ways (and others as well):

She is lustful.
She have slept with dozens of men.
She have an uncontrollable urge to have sex with anything that moves. (it´s more used to describe the behavior of men, though.)
She is one that wants to fisk everyone she sees. (fisk is open to one´s imagination here.)
She is a bit unconventional with her relationships and sex life, so exclusivity is not her game (at all).
She is given to open relationships.
She is a sexual vulture, she just goes out and hunt for the guy she get with.
She is ever hunting for someone to bang!
Her pheromones are insane, she just doesn´t can´t get enough of it!
She is always on the prowl.

Notice that those might have different meanings, might be used in varying contexts (so not some sort of one-size-fits all expressions).

Plus, the initial wording of the title may speak volumes about our mentality about girls/women. I mean, the mentality of most countries of Latin America.
Not that I am pointing fingers or being judgemental. What I mean is, a lot of times when a person from abroad will listen that in Portuguese it can be a judgemental or ironic way. When the cave in to temptation can equally happen to both genders/sexes.
My approach intends to be only in terms of language knowledge, though.
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Ricardo F. Bernardi escreveu:

Hey there!

I believe you could say:

- Like wildfire
Synonym: On the double

(1) Rapidly and intensely (rapidamente e intensivamente);
(2) Everywhere very quickly (Muito rapidamente por todos os cantos; lugares);

Proverb: Dar mais que chuchu em cerca
In Portuguese: Facilmente, abundantemente

Related Portuguese idiom: Espalhar-se como rastilho de pólvora = To spread like wildfire.


1) The new dance has caught on like wildfire in all the popular clubs.
A nova dança caiu no gosto de todas as boates / baladas populares facilmente / rapidamente /
- informal: em dois tempos / pra chuchu.

2) Scandals spread like wildfire around this office.
Escândalos se espalham como rastilho de pólvora neste escritório.


Sincerely yours,


(1) MIFFLIN, Houghton. American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Harcourt Publishing Company. 2016.
(2) Cambridge Online Dictionary.
(4) BAKER, Mona; SALDANHA, Gabriela. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. New York: Routledge. 2008.
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Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Marcio_Farias escreveu:I believe we may say, "Scandals spread like..." IOW, we should use the verb in the plural.
Thank you so much, Marcio.