Como dizer "debochado" em inglês
5 respostas
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Levando em conta a definição para Debochado do Dicionário Aulete a seguir:
Debochado: Que zomba, caçoa; que é dado a fazer zombarias.
Temos em inglês o termo Mocker.
Debochado: Que zomba, caçoa; que é dado a fazer zombarias.
Temos em inglês o termo Mocker.
- He's a mocker. [Ele é debochado.]
- She's a mocker. [Ela é debochada.]
- I know because I grew up as a mocker.
- Today if that occurs the mocker becomes the pariah.
- A mocker refuses to listen to correction.
How about...?
He likes to ridicule me.
He likes to humilliate me.
He likes to make me look like a fool.
"To make fun of" can be lighthearted or very cruel. Context is everything. The above possibilities, however, are clearly cruel.
He likes to ridicule me.
He likes to humilliate me.
He likes to make me look like a fool.
"To make fun of" can be lighthearted or very cruel. Context is everything. The above possibilities, however, are clearly cruel.
Valeu pelas sugestões!
Surgiu uma outra dúvida, será que eu poderia relacionar o termo "nasty" com "debochado"? Ou seria mais algo como "cruel".
Surgiu uma outra dúvida, será que eu poderia relacionar o termo "nasty" com "debochado"? Ou seria mais algo como "cruel".
To mock
He likes to mock me.
mocking adj
He is a mocking person.
her mocking smile
He likes to mock me.
mocking adj
He is a mocking person.
her mocking smile
It could also be a person that takes pleasure in sneering at others (sometimes the ones that don't think like them [despising their views].
Or out of their dislike/antipathy towards someone) or ultimately to avoid criticism by distracting others of seeing their flaws.
In a good light, sometimes we could use the verb "tease" or referring to the person we could say he/she is "such a teaser".
At listening an account of someone about some said or done by a "jerk" we could use the word "insensitive" as in "he said that to you? He is such an insensitive and selfish fool" (you saying somehow out of empathy and support - and with evidence of he being that).
Sometimes a "debochado(a)" is someone that is insensitive enough to laugh of 'no laughing matters" (that is nobody is having fun but him/her).
Other times it's someone that doesn't give a rat feck to what others think, and may laugh of other's people misery or pain.
So, "debochado" is a bit cryptic in kind, it goes with context. That includes the definitions already given.
And it may be used with negative or positive meanings, it's that the negative ones are more frequently found.
Or out of their dislike/antipathy towards someone) or ultimately to avoid criticism by distracting others of seeing their flaws.
In a good light, sometimes we could use the verb "tease" or referring to the person we could say he/she is "such a teaser".
At listening an account of someone about some said or done by a "jerk" we could use the word "insensitive" as in "he said that to you? He is such an insensitive and selfish fool" (you saying somehow out of empathy and support - and with evidence of he being that).
Sometimes a "debochado(a)" is someone that is insensitive enough to laugh of 'no laughing matters" (that is nobody is having fun but him/her).
Other times it's someone that doesn't give a rat feck to what others think, and may laugh of other's people misery or pain.
So, "debochado" is a bit cryptic in kind, it goes with context. That includes the definitions already given.
And it may be used with negative or positive meanings, it's that the negative ones are more frequently found.