Como dizer "Deixar pra última hora" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Vamos aprender como se diz deixar para a última hora em inglês.

Exemplos de uso:

a. They always leave everything until the last minute. (Eles sempre deixam tudo pra última hora.)
b. Don't leave everything until the last minute. (Não deixe tudo para a última hora.)

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2 respostas
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Don't Cram! Não deixar para estudar de última hora ... Bastante usado lá fora
Cram : amontoar
To cram: deixar para estudar de última hora.
Pode usar assim quando sua referencia for com estudo. Abraço
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
To cram is exactly what you expressed, Mateus. As the word suggest it is "amontoar".
A last minute cramming, the eleventh-minute cramming would be trying to retain a lot of subjects the night before the exam or on the very day of it.
That´s why many people associate "cramming" the last dish effort to review and retain study topics, with the last dish effort at the eleventh hour.

As a matter of fact, the word "cram/cramming" generally comes along with expressios like "cram before an exam" or "last minute cramming" etc.

Cramming doesn´t have to mean always something at the last minute. Let´s say one have to study something and it has a massive body of knowledge, say a flight course or something like that, so the student have to cram a book on flight subjects (memorize a "brick of a book" on flight subjects.)