Como dizer "Deus, se essa for a tua vontade saiba que estamos preparados" em inglês

Como poderia dizer esta frase?
Agradeço desde já! :)

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
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Como eu digo isso? Tentei traduzir e cheguei a esta frase: "God, if that's your will, know that we're prepared".
Está correto? Se não, o que posso usar em vez disso?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
It depends on context. Sometimes it´s said in times of resignation, of trusting, praying and asking for something, etc.
One way to express that is "God, I am on your hands, and ready for anything, do with me as you know is best."

Another one is "I place my life/the whole issue (referring to difficulties or a problem, for instance) in your hands, is in your control. I am ready to accept whatever comes my way."

Let me live/do that, etc... If it´s your will.

But there are different ways and contexts:
Lord, if that is Your will I pray You will make it happen.
Honestly God, if that is your will, let it be.

It´s a bit different situation:
Honestly God, if that is your will, let it be.
I am ready, let your will be done to me, Lord.

Grant always that what happens to me may be Lord as you will. And if that is your will, that I shall not be ill,
If that is your will, I am ready, but I don't want to die yet. I trust you and in your will.
Sim, sim. Compreendi e agradeço mas tenho uma certa dúvida...

Vou fazer um post sobre o corte de cabelo de alguém, pois acho que essa celebridade está mudando o visual, entendeu?

Aí gostaria de dizer num tom mais brincalhão como "Deus, se essa for tua vontade (a pessoa mudar o corte de cabelo, no caso), saiba que nós (os fãs) estamos prontos!"
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Oh God/Oh my God if she/he changes her/his looks we (fans) will be happy with that.

It´s not a literal translation, but it´s the general feeling of fans, whatever their idols do or say, whatever their style, everything about them is appealing.
The other side of the coin, is that fans grow mature to accept what their idols are, that they (fans) don´t have the rights to tell them what to do, say or what life or visual style they should favor.
It´s often said that a (true) fan always sticks by his idol/by his team.