Como dizer "Divulgação" em inglês

Queria saber qual seria a tradução apropriada para a palavra "divulgação", no caso aquela que encontramos como legenda de algumas fotos em sites, geralmente entre colchetes: [Divulgação]

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3 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
From your description I would think of "sponsored content".
There is also the "in-image(s)", a ribbon with an advertisement link (that by being clicked it brings you to [an advertising] landing page).
Actually, it doesn't have to do with any sponsored content, so I don't think this would apply; it's just a way to caption an image that taken from another website/account. It's just like how there are some images that have "Reproduction" ("Reprodução") as their caption.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Perhaps you mean "attribution" of an image, which is attribute as information (perhaps what you called a caption) under the image.

One example of such captions would be: Photo by Oitnblack licensed under Creative Commons. Others will come with "Photo Credit...Oitnblack.", etc.

I learned that Reuters (a major mainstream media outlet) requires their network members credit Reuters' images with the caption "Reuters/photographer’s name, courtesy" on the photographs or immediately nearby.