Como dizer "é melhor pesquisar antes de falar esse tipo de coisa..." em inglês

"É melhor pesquisar antes de falar esse tipo de coisa. Aí sim a gente conversa."


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4 respostas
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It is best to research before you speak this kind of thing. Then yes we'll talk.
there are so many ways to say it:

3 examples:

Try to find out first what really happened then we can talk about it.

you dont know what are you saying, so why dont you try to find out first and then we talk?

to not get yourself in trouble try not to talk about things you dont know, find out first what really happened then we should sit and talk about it.
Flavia.lm 1 10 100
You'd better make some research about this topic before commenting about it. Do that, then we can talk.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Para dizer 'pesquisar' neste sentido,sugiro:Check out

Before saying such a thing,you´d better check it out.Then we can talk.

Bons estudos!