Como dizer "e para piorar a situação" em inglês

Daniel.S 1 2 11
Podemos empregar o verbo frasal top something off através da frase : and to top that off

Ex: Jane lost her job, and to top that off, she caught the flu.

A Jane perdeu o emprego e para piorar a situação pegou uma gripe.

Ex: I had a bad day, and to top it off, I have to go to a meeting tonight.

Tive um péssimo dia e para piorar a situação tenho que ir a uma reunião hoje a noite.

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5 respostas
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Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Também comum dizer:

And to make matters worse (ou)
And on top of that
Adriano Japan 1 2 21
To rub salt into the wound = to make a bad experience even more painful

Thousands of ambitious foreigners have left Japan the past two decades, and to rub salt into the wound, Japan's immigration bureau has deported more than 100,000 the past decade.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Make matters/things worse
: used for talking about something that makes a bad situation worse. [Macmillan]

''Cláudio (Tony Ramos) and Helena (Gloria Pires) decide to divorce and, to make things worse, they find out that Bia (Isabelle Drummond), now 18 years old, is about to get married - and that they are going to be grandparents.''[]
Flavia.lm 1 10 100
worsen /ˈwɜː(r)s(ə)n/
To become worse, or to make something worse
  • The weather worsened, and temperatures fell.
  • The bill will worsen relations between Democrats and Republicans.
And to worsen the situation.