Como dizer "Em regime fechado/semiaberto/aberto" em inglês

Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Ele está em regime fechado. (Ele vive dentro da prisão)
Ele está em regime semiaberto. (Ele passa o dia fora da prisão, mas volta para dormir nela)
Ele está em regime aberto. (Ele não precisa mais voltar à prisão, mas precisa apresentar-se ao juiz de vez em quando)

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2 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
He was sentenced and he is in the closed system.
He is a prisoner in the closed system.
He is serving time in a closed prison.

He is in the semi-open system (his sentence has been reduced on good behavior/for good behavior.)
He was given a semi-open six-year sentence, it means he leaves during the day to work.

He is serving time in the open system, got a reduction of sentence for good behavior.
1) There are other ways to say the same, let´s wait and they will come.
2) The Brazil criminal justice system is a bit different of that of others countries.
If an inmate has served one-sixth of his sentence he is entitled to be transferred to a semi-open system.
If he served half of his sentence he has served enough time to be eligible for transfer to an open system.

If I am not mistaken, conditional release/freedom is the equivalent to the parole
System in the US.

At least per definition I took from the Web:
Release on parole (liberation of a person before end of the sentence under certain conditions)
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

- Regime fechado em inglês: closed conditions
- Regime semi-aberto em inglês: semi-open conditions
- Regime aberto em inglês: open conditions

''Offenders are held in closed conditions unless a stringent risk assessment, or the Parole Board, determine otherwise.'' [BBC]
''So to move to semi-open conditions, prisoners will have to show a change in the risk to the public and the risk of absconding.'' [Google Books - Susan Easton]