Como dizer “Enlatados (filmes, séries)” em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Material importado, pronto para veiculação em cinemas, rádios ou televisões.

Pessoal, existe algum termo para enlatado sem que seja uma... “cheap low-quality movie”... explicação?

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
3 respostas
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Telma Regina 9 65 608
"Packaged Media"
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

B-movies ; modern-day B-Movies

Since the advent of modern technologies, the art of film-making has gone ahead in leaps and bounds, with films often costing many millions of dollars to produce. However, there's still the split in product: big movies with big names and seemingly bottomless budgets and small movies, usually inexpensively made, often with one quite well known film star supported by a cast of unknowns. Many of these low-budget modern-day 'epics' while usually 'Made for TV' specials or 'Straight to Video' releases, still show similar characteristics to the classic B-Movies of the '50s and '60s.

The term B-Movie can also be applied to modern-day expensive films. These are the ones with improbable or stupid plots made by directors desperate to hit the big time, and, of course, the curse of bad-acting is still with us. As a general rule be wary of anything starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris or Rutger Hauer. A modern-day expensive flop that is well on its way to achieving B-Movie cult-status is Waterworld. [BBC]
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
Telma Regina escreveu:"Packaged Media"
Yes, and sometimes you see "pre-packaged" programs.