Como dizer "Enquanto descansa carrega pedra" em inglês

Good evening my friends!

Alguém poderia dar uma sugestão de como traduzir para o inglês a expressão "Enquanto descansa carrega pedra" dentro do contexto abaixo:

Já que tenho que esperar a água do macarrão ferver, vou logo descascando as batatas e temperando o feijão, porque enquanto descansa carrega pedra.

"Enquanto descansa carrega pedra" no português quer dizer executar outra tarefa ou atividade para não ter que ficar parado enquanto é obrigado a esperar algo acontecer ou se realizar que não depende de você.

Desde já agradeço pela ajuda.

See you soon.

Nesta aula, o professor Adir Ferreira, autor do livro "A Chave do Aprendizado da Língua Inglesa", nos conta como se tornou um Expert em pronúncia e dá várias dicas para você se comunicar melhor em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
12 respostas
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brasimericano 1 2 23
A única coisa de que vem a cabeça é "multi-task", mas estou certo de que existem melhor opções. Aguarde outras respostas.
Good morning Mr. Brasimericano

Thank you very much for your suggestion, your response also makes perfect sense according to your point of view.


So Bye, bye!
jorgeluiz 1 6 92
Eu diria: While off-duty does extra-work.

cheers !
Good evening Mr. Jorge Luiz.

Obrigado por sua sugestão a respeito da expressão, mas gostaria de saber se por acaso existe uma expressão em inglês específica para está em português.

See you soon.

Bye, bye.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
The closest thing to it is "to have more than one iron on the fire." and "(to) spread oneself too thin or stretch oneself too thin." (to work on too many projects, overextend oneself.)

Does anybody have more than 'one iron in the fire' at a given time? Or do you work on one story idea at a time?

I'm in the middle of a story now, but I have several other story ideas burning a hole in me that I want to work on as well. I don't know if I should even try to spread myself thin between several things at once or wait till I'm finished with the current effort and risk having the other ideas fade a bit. ... t-one-time
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Já que tenho que esperar a água do macarrão ferver, vou logo descascando as batatas e temperando o feijão, porque enquanto (se) descansa (se) carrega pedra(s).

Well, as I have to wait the cooking of the past anyway, I am going to peel the potatoes and at the same time season the beans. That´s what I call spreading him/oneself too thin!

Well, as I will have some on my hands, while cooking the pasta. In-between, I am going to peel the potatoes and at the same time season the beans. Too many irons on the fire!

As I have to wait (anyway), I am going to have more than one iron on the fire...while I do the cooking of the pasta, I peel the potatoes...

Since we have to wait while the pasta is cooking, I am going to peel the potatoes, season the beans etc, A cook is multitask by nature!

Anyone, please feel free to correct, edit or improve my answer. It was made in haste, so it may need some improvement.

Further reading, if you wish. ... -thin.html
Ancrispa 9 55

I think you mistyped the preposition. The correct preposition is “in” and not “on”.
have a few, several, etc. irons in the fire
› to be involved with many activities or jobs at the same time or to make certain that there are always several possibilities available:
If that job application doesn't work out I've got a couple more irons in the fire. ... n-the-fire

Thank you for your examples.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
That´s right Ana, where it reads "on the fire" it should read "in the fire".
Thanks for your perceptive comment on that one. ;)
Good morning!

PPAULO and ANCRISPA, thank very much for anwsers.

See you later.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
In another context could also be:

Well, as I have to wait the cooking of the past anyway, I am going to peel the potatoes and at the same time season the beans. There´s no time to waste/to lose/time waits for no man/time waits for no one.
Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATIVAR AGORA
Good evening PPAULO

In this context I thought it was very good.

Thank you for the examples.

See you soon!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
You are welcome. And I learn a lot in the process, believe me.
I would like to thank Brasimericano and Ancrispa for their collaboration as well.
As they say, "one doesn´t need a degree to care, all it takes is a degree of care." and they did care.