Como dizer "Era a minha namorada no telefone" em inglês

Eu em uma conversa disse

"It was my girlfriend on the phone"

o correto seria "was my girlfriend..."?

Esse it eu usaria numa boa no dia a dia... mas deve estar errado... Já agradeço!!!

Acredito estar usando o tópico errado, mas aonde vocês puxam Podcasts?!
estava puxando no ESL.. english as second language mas ele é bem básico!!


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3 respostas
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Daniel.S 1 2 11
that was my girlfriend on the phone
Vc pode e deve usar "it "antes de verbos. O que não pode é usar o verbo sem sujeito, quando não há sujeito usa-se o "it"
Portanto "it was my girl on the phone" está correto.
Exemplos tirados de livros:

It was Machamer on the phone.
It was Roberta Muldoon on the phone, and that only convinced Garp that the victim was Jenny Fields
It was my mother on the phone.

And listen, that was Miss Pemberthy on the phone complaining about Prince being here.
That was Stevo on the phone.
That was Kimber on the phone.