Como dizer "Espírito de entreajuda" em inglês

Como se fala espírito de entreajuda em inglês?

Entreajuda: ajuda mútua.

Ex.: O espírito de entreajuda os ajudou a superar o desafio.

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
In some cases "team spirit" would do, in other cases "the spirit of mutual help" would be a better way to express that.

By the way, 'entreajuda' puzlled me, "espírito de ajuda mútua" would be more to my style and vocab repertoire.
The "spirit of mutual help" that I suggested, could also be (depending of the circumstances) be translated into "espírito de mútua cooperação" (in that case, it wouldn't need necessarily to be a team).

In time: I am not being judgemental or biased against the word 'entreajuda', just that it struck me as somewhat unusual when I read it. But fine by me.
Thanks for teaching me a new Portuguese word, such a vast language!