Como dizer "esta mercadoria está estragada" em inglês

Caros amigos, por favor, se eu compro uma mercadoria, via Internet:

a) quando é que eu uso merchandise?

b) quando é que eu uso goods, para dizer que esta mercadoria está... conforme acima?

Obrigado in advance.

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Sugestão: goods, product, merchandise

Goods or merchandise?

''Choose goods if the emphasis is on what the product is made of or what it is for: leather/household goods. Choose merchandise if the emphasis is less on the product itself and more on its brand or the fact of buying/selling it.'' [Oxford]

''Customers may ask for a refund if the goods are faulty [a mercadoria está/estiver estragada].'' [Longman]
''Any shipment fees associated with returns will be paid by customer. We will refund the initial shipping charges only if the merchandise is defective [a mercadoria estiver/está estragada].'' [Canada]
''Under strict liability, the manufacturer is liable if the product is defective[a mercadoria está/estiver estragada], even if the manufacturer was not negligent in making that product defective.'' [Wikipedia]

"Merchandise" parece ser a opção mais formal.
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You can also use damaged goods para mercadoria avariada.
