Como dizer "estar/andar mal das pernas" em inglês

Daniel.S 1 2 11
Ex: O estado de New Jersey sempre esteve mal das pernas

Ex: Depois de ter declarado a falência da sua loja o João anda mal das pernas.

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3 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k


Having a hard time / going through a hard time

Exemplos do Google:

What happens if your business is going through a hard time when you are taken ill?

"If you have a profitable division at a time when the rest of your business is having a hard time, do you talk about it?"

Boa sorte!
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

On the ropes

"He reasons that the book business is on the ropes while the vast majority of American teenagers — “the consumers of the future” — now play..." - The New York Times
Daniel.S 1 2 11
on the ropes

doing badly and likely to fail

Ex: His political career is on the ropes.

Etymology: from the idea of a weakened prize fighter who leans against the ropes that surround the boxing ring


nice suggestion Donay!