Como dizer "Estou muito triste" em inglês

Como dizer em inglês " estou muito triste,pois você foi embora e não me deu thau"

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6 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

I'm really down because you left without saying goodbye.

''I'm really down because the suitable jobs here (I'm in Edinburgh) are few and far between.'' []
Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
I'm very sad...

I'm very upset...
Thomas 7 62 297
"Down" is slang. It was often used to mean depressed as well as sad. I think it has lost much of its popularity. ("Bummed" was once popular too.)

"Are you down?" or "Are you down for that?" means "Are you in agreement? Do you want to do that? Would you like that?"

You are getting me down. (You are making me sad/depressed.)
If you want to go to New York for the weekend, I'd be down for that. (I would like to go.)
"Upset" is not sad. It refers to an agitated state along the lines of "preocupado", "com raiva" or "afito".

When I told her I had found a new girlfriend, she got upset and hit me with a book.
(Angry, not sad.)
Thomas escreveu:"Down" is slang. It was often used to mean depressed as well as sad. I think it has lost much of its popularity. ("Bummed" was once popular too.)

"Upset" is not sad. It refers to an agitated state along the lines of "preocupado", "com raiva" or "afito".

When I told her I had found a new girlfriend, she got upset and hit me with a book.
(Angry, not sad.)

I think that using 'down' as to mean sad is related to the portuguese language itself. You see, it's not unusual (double negatives ftw) for us to hear "tou meio down, hoje". I'd like to think this has something to do with Beatles' "I'm down" song.

I'll often translate 'upset' as 'chateado'.

but how about 'feeling blue', is it still used?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
A meu ver, sim. "Feeling blue" ainda é usado.

She usually calls her mother when she's feeling blue. - Macmillan
He'd been feeling blue all week. - Oxford
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I'm really sad because you was gone without give me a goodbye.