Como dizer "Eu custo a (fazer algo)" em inglês

Como se diz: "custar a", nos seguintes contextos:

Quando um parente morre, eu custo a chorar.
Quando tem muita coisa na minha cabeça, eu custo a dormir.
Quando ocorre um acidente, ele custa a se acalmar.
Quando minha irmã dorme, ela custa a acordar depois.

Thanks in advance.

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2 respostas
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Gabi 1 1 19
Hello Leandro!

Quando um parente morre, eu custo a chorar.
When one of my relatives die, I am reluctant to cry.
..................................., it's hard for me to cry.

Quando tem muita coisa na minha cabeça, eu custo a dormir.
When I've got to many things on my mind, it takes me a long time to get to sleep

Quando ocorre um acidente, ele custa a se acalmar.
When an accident happens, it is hard/difficult for him to calm down.

Quando minha irmã dorme, ela custa a acordar depois.
When my sister falls asleep then she gets slow to wake up.

I'm pretty much sure that our EE mates'll come up with some other suggestions as well ;)
What I'd like to say is that ,in my opinion, for these phrases we can't simply think that there will be a
literal translation Port-Engl, because in English one wouldn't say "it costs me to calm down", for example.

Have a good day Leandro!
I agree alltogether with Gabi. We've suposed to take care about the litteral translation. In some situations we have to "solve the problem" about the meaning with no translation. There are many ways of saying something in english so I follow this "english speaking philosophy": in many cases we're better not to translate the words but send the message, the meaning.