Como dizer "Eu gosto de andar com meus cachorros no parque"

Como se diz "Eu gosto de andar com meus cachorros no parque" em inglês

Sei que ao utilizar verbos como love, hate, like e enjoy preciso utilizar os verbos seguintes no gerúndio. Por exemplo: I love swimming.

Sei também que quando falamos sobre atividades de corrida ou caminhada utilizamos "go running" e "go walking".

Mas, ao unir as duas coisas, eu utilizo as duas regras?


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4 respostas
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O que você chamada de "coisas"?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Maybe she meant the topic of the usage of Gerunds and infinitives, one that get many learners really stumped.

To this special case, I would translate into "I like to walk the dogs in the park/at the park."

I have seen it usually this way, and it makes a whale of a sense. Because it expresses an habitual preference.

There are some grammar points to it, anyway I stuck only to the samples that I found, and the first of the following sites I am letting you know.
And my little experience with English. ... -cant-bear ... 11996.html ... nitive.htm

The use of such verbs may require some training and use of them. With time one gets the hang of it.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
You could also say "I like to walk with my dogs to the park."
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I like to walk the/my dogs...versus I like to walk with the/my dogs.

The former suggests (to me) that the focus is on the dogs, as a therapy (it´s unconceivable not walk the dogs, it´s good to their "mental health"). Whereas on the latter the focus is on you (your likings, your routine, etc).
Anyway, it´s subtle, and most of the time they would mean the same thing.