Como dizer "Exatas, humanas e biológicas" em inglês

I was wondering how I could say those 3 main divisions of knowledge. I have just looked it up on the Internet and found this:

Nunca ouvi uma expressão equivalente e ao pé da letra em inglês.
Aqui nos EUA a gente ouve muito estas:

Math and science - matemática e ciências
IT Field - (Information Technology) - Ciências da Computação
Biology - biologia
Chemistry - química
Humanities - religião, filosofia, literatura, etc.
Social science - ciências sociais
Foreign languages - línguas estrangeiras

Are they correct? Is there any other way to say "Exatas, humanas e biológicas" in English?

Thank you in advance!

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4 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Minha sugestão, em termos gerais, é a de que se use "human, exact and biological sciences". Indo ao Google, você encontra no site da USP - Universidade de São Paulo, veja:

Part of the theses and dissertations defended at the University of Sao Paulo is available for consultation at the 'Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações' [Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations]. The consultant can search for the desired content using key-words, or use the browser to identify the type of thesis (doctoral thesis, master's dissertation or 'livre docência' thesis (a habilitation similar to the German "Privatdozent" thesis), field of knowledge (human, exact and biological sciences) or according to the unit responsible for the thesis.
Henry Cunha 3 18 190
There have been many "divisions of fields of knowledge" through the ages. The typology has evolved as more fields of knowledge become coherent, specialized areas. And some disappeared (alchemy, for ex.) once it became obvious there was no knowledge to be had in them. I don't think you'll find any agreement in English for a specific set of labels. Where would kinesiology fit, for instance, under "human" or under "biology"? If you look at a university division into "faculties," you would typically find Arts and Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences, and then a whole series of "Professional Schools," such as Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, Computer Science, Performance Arts, etc. Obviously, these schools "integrate" various fields of knowledge, such as an engineer needing to know the art of design, physics, math, etc. So it's perhaps better to simply refer to "fields of knowledge" without specifying how you think they break down.
Donay Mendonça escreveu: 10 Mar 2011, 16:28
Part of the theses and dissertations defended at the University of Sao Paulo is available for consultation at the 'Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações' [Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations]. (...)
A parte em destaque é at mesmo ou é on por se tratar de uma mídia e não de um lugar físico ?

See you!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
If a person goes to the library he would go at.
If one file is stored at their site, it´s "on" their servers, their machines, their hard drives.
Anyway, we (Web users) usually think in metaphorical terms, as we go "to a place" . That is 'suggested' and 'encouraged' by the Web architecture/language since URL stands for "Uniform Resource Locator" (so from the "locator"-location, etc, suggests a place).
Hence the Digital Library is thought as the "real" thing, to the user is "as if he/she went there and found what they looked for."
So, in this metaphorical sense is "at", since "at" is used to places where you/everyone goes and "there´s a crowd/a group there", generally spend a good deal of time and for a specific purpose.
You stay AT a restaurant, you work at Google, you read a book or paper at a library, you study at a given school or university, and so on.

Not that "on" is wrong, it´s that "at" is a fixed expression because people have that feeling. Many people use it even without thinking about it.
Anyway they could use "on" - "their site" to say that something is stored there, and "at" would be optional.

I hope this helps somehow.