Como dizer “Falta de tutano” em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Em Português: Falta de tutano
Em Inglês ......: Lack of guts

1 – Na hora H parece que falta tutano pra essa gente.
At the last minute it seems to lack guts to these people.

You must have the guts to stand up to your new boss.

(Ter tutano = ter coragem, força, nervos, ousadia)

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1 resposta
Thomas 7 62 297
In many places in the USA, the equivalent in Spanish is commonly used among men.

At the last minute these people lacked cojones. (Notice the sentence structure.)

You must have the huevos to stand up to your new boss. (Note the use of the definite article.)

I have not heard "agallas" (very common and not vulgar) used by non-Spanish speaking Americans, but many know the words cojones and huevos.