Como dizer "Fazer as vezes de alguém/algo" em inglês

ernando 2
Hello fellas, I got a question about how could I say the Portuguese expression "fazer as vezes de alguém/algo", for instance:

¹ Ele fez as vezes do recepcionista;
² Nós estamos fazendo as vezes dos empresários;
³ O novo dispositivo faz as vezes de celular e tocador de músicas.

Thank you in advance, and if possible, please correct my mistakes. ;)

Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
5 respostas
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Breckenfeld 3 15 131
1. Ele fez as vezes do recepcionista;
2. Nós estamos fazendo as vezes dos empresários;
3. O novo dispositivo faz as vezes de celular e tocador de músicas.

My suggestions:

1. He has stood in for the receptionist.
2. We are standing in for the businessmen.
3. The new device functions both as a cell phone and a music player.

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Step in: to act as a replacement. [merriam-webster]

"...couldn't find anyone to step in for me so that I could take a break from my caregiving duties.''

Ele fez as vezes do recepcionista.
He stepped in for the receptionist.
Filling in for or covering for.

I'm filling in for my coworker tonight since he had to go to the hospital because he wasn't feeling very well.

I've been covering for Ana since she had to go on vacation this year.
jorgeluiz 1 6 92
Go for

The sofá goes for bed when we have visitors at home.

Cheers !
Pass (someone or something) off as

Ref. merriam-webster