Como dizer “Fazer fila na defesa adversária” em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Ex.: Lateral do Braga fez filinha na zaga do Peixe.
Bragantino’s left-back dodged through Santos defense.

In the know:
1 – Dribble the ball past multiple players.
2 – To move aside or in a given direction by shifting or twisting suddenly.
3 – Propel a ball by striking it and rolling it along the ground with their feet.

Iraola vs Manchester United:

…dribla um, dribla dois, dribla três, ou, passa por um, passa por dois, passa por três...

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Aproveitar a deixa como fica:

O Neymar recebeu a bola do Messi e passou no meio/entre 3 jogadores do Real Madrid.
Zumstein 1 31 435
O Neymar recebeu a bola do Messi e passou no meio/entre 3 jogadores do Real Madrid.

Vitor, vamos tentar?

1ª opção:
Neymar got Messi's delivery and dodged through three Real’s defenders.
2ª opção:
Messi’s delivery reached/met Neymar who dodged through three Real defenders.

Espero que venha coisa melhor por ai.

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

''Then Brown, a substitute, dribbled through the defense [fez fila na defesa adversária] to score the tying goal.'' [The New York Times]

''Passou no meio / entre três jogadores.'' = dribbled through three players

''On Saturday night, he scored the first goal of the game when he dribbled through three players and beat Impact goalkeeper Troy Perkins low to the left side of the net.'' [New Jersey - USA -]

Bons estudos!