Como dizer "Feliz aniversário para nós..." em inglês

Como eu digo "Feliz aniversario para nos, tudo de bom" em inglês?

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3 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Happy Birthday to us (implicit - you and me), wishing you the best.
Happy Birthday to all of us, the English Expert team, wishing you (1) all the best.

(1) It could be "wishing us all the best." too.
Ficaria correto também eu colocar "Wishing you all the best"?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Could be, I have seen in Birthday cards: "Happy Birthday and wish you the best" and "Wishing you the best for your birthday." (in our current case we would tinker with the wording and would turn "your birthday" into -our birthday).