Como dizer "Geração / criação de empregos" em inglês

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Português: geração de empregos, criação de empregos
Inglês: creation of jobs, job creation

''Era Lula cria mais empregos que governos FHC, Itamar, Collor e Sarney juntos.'' []

  1. The pace of creation of jobs in the private sector during the current administration is now greater than the pace in either of President George W. Bush’s terms in office. [The New York Times]
  2. Debt panel urged to target creation of jobs.
  3. Myths about outsourcing and the creation of jobs.
  4. Ontario Launches Job Creation Programs.
  5. ''The Myth of Job Creation. Mr. Romney interrupted. “Government does not create jobs,” he said. “Government does not create jobs.”
  6. When It Comes To Job Creation, Obama Doesn't Hold A Candle To Reagan
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