Como dizer “Gol, chute telegrafado” em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Não tem nada de foto, frase do futebol principalmente.

Gol/chute em que o chutador “fotografa” (indica, mostra) a direção, o canto em que vai chutar e onde realmente chuta.

Ex.: Ele fotografou antes de chutar, ficou fácil pro goleiro.

Em Inglês...

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4 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
"Fotografa" é novo pra mim, "telegrafado" eu já havia ouvido muitas e muitas vezes.;wap2
That allowed the Japanese keeper to know exactly where to go. Starkville, the one shot was SO telegraphed, so deliberate and so slow that the goalkeeper dove and actually overshot it. The kicker didn't get the keeper to guess wrong, she just was SO fricking bad at the PK that the keeper knew where to go and had to save it with her trailing foot because our girl was so inept. ... 013/SPORTS
“They sit in very good lines, their players are smart, they read passing angles and lines well, and they did (intercept a lot of passes), we had a lot of picked off passes tonight on all parts of the field,” Yeagley said. “I thought that we telegraphed a little early or didn’t move early enough to get a better seam created, so we’ll look at that.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Ele fotografou antes de chutar, ficou fácil pro goleiro.
He telegraphed his shot/kick, so the goalkeeper had no difficulty to read it and defend it.

His shot was so telegraphed that even my grand-grandma would defend it.
Zumstein 1 31 435
Você está corretíssimo PPaulo, o termo correto é “telegrafar”.
Por isso estava difícil de achar contexto na net.

“William telegrafou o canto que iria bater e ainda chutou muito fraco.” (

Te devo essa, bye!
Zumstein 1 31 435
Só pra confirmar a dica campeã do PPAULO:

No rugby - Telegraphed pass
Now it's the same telegraphed pass or kick, meaning more pressure and no confusion in the defence. ( - rugbyunion)