Como dizer "gosto não se discute" em inglês

Daniel.S 1 2 11
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Different strokes for different folks...

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Thomas 7 62 297
My Irish grandmother used to say, "To each his own, said the lady as she kissed the cow".
Daniel.S 1 2 11
Ingleses, entre outros, eu não sei, mas norte-americanos com certeza falam "there's no accounting for taste".
Como se diz "Gosto nao se discute, se lamenta" em ingles...?
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I can't recall something that could be translated literally and tersely. But "ter/tem gosto pra tudo" could be expressed by "to each his/her own", "there is no accounting for taste" or "different strokes for different folks".

To complement (add the "se lamenta" we could state what is the part we would think deplorable, weird, etc):

A - She likes to have watermelon and mustard.
B - Weird, weird, but there's no account for taste right?

I explored the "weird" side in my sentence, others might come up with something on the gross or deplorable side.
Something curious happens, though. As somebody else said "people like to say that “there is no accounting for taste.” however, making judgments about the gustatory and aesthetic tastes of others and of their own.