Como dizer “Igreja matriz” em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Em Português: Igreja Matriz
Em Inglês ......: Mother Church

No Wikipedia:
1 – Hoje às vezes sendo considerada a “Igreja Matriz” do Presbiterianismo.
Today it is sometimes regarded as the "Mother Church” of Presbyterianism.

Also, Parish Church:
2 – The solemn celebration took place in the “Parish Church” of St. Mary.

And, Main Church:
3 – Visit São Vicente's “Main Church” in the center of the village.

Igreja matriz – é a que tem jurisdição sobre outras da mesma circunscrição.

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3 respostas
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Zumstein 1 31 435
Largo, Praça da matriz = Church square, or Parish Church Square.

We’ll have presentations of Brazilian popular music, and booths selling local dishes in the church square.
(Teremos apresentação de MPB e barracas vendendo pratos típicos no “largo da matriz”.)
Thomas 7 62 297
"Mother church" usually means the church as a whole, from the Vatican to the local level. We are not talking about a building but the traditions, laws, philosophy, beliefs, etc.

"Main church" is probably closest in meaning to "igreja matrix".
I agree with Thomas, however for Catholics the word for "Igreja Matriz" is See, such as the Holy See or any church or cathedral that is the main one in a diocese.