Como dizer “Ir para o chuveiro mais cedo” em inglês

Zumstein 1 31 435
Em Português: Ir para o chuveiro mais cedo
Em Inglês ......: Head for an early bath

Leave the game because of being sent off.
Lee Miller collected a second yellow card and headed for an early bath. (

Também: Ir tomar banho mais cedo

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3 respostas
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Certo > Head for the shower early.
Certo > Head early to the shower.

Zumstein _ an early bath- ficaria - um banho cedo.
Zumstein 1 31 435

The Free Dictionary: (idioms)

An early bath (British & Australian informal)
If you take an early bath, you are forced to stop doing an activity sooner than you intended to.
Usage notes: This phrase is often used about sports such as football.

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Só para acrescentar

To be ejected = (futebol) ir para o chuveiro mais cedo>.

Multiple yellow cards will cause a player to be ejected from the game. ... occer.html