Como dizer "isso é o que mais tira nota" em inglês


What would you guys recommend to use for sentences like:

"Esse tipo de erro é o que mais 'tira nota' na hora da prova."


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2 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
This kind of mistakes would make you miss out questions.

This kind of weakness would make you miss out questions as well. ;-)

The second sentence would focus on the fact you keep making mistakes on a kind of subject (content weakness).
The first one is in a more general way, but it could be (for the sake of illustration) referring to the "habit" of missing the word "except" OR "least" or other kinds of "catch-word". So, we are talking about careless errors, a major mistake from lack of attention (or even by pressure - perhaps for not allocating time accordingly).
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
This is the topic that even good students make, and it will throw you off the track at the exam.

This is the topic that even good students make, and it will throw you under the bus at the exam.

This is the topic that even good students make, and it will give you a hard time at the always does it to everyone!

Said while (author of the sentence) pointing to a paper with some "statistics/probability" exercises, which he thinks is the most difficult topic in high school math. Just kidding around, he hee.