Como dizer "Juntar a fome com a vontade de comer" em inglês

Olá pessoal,

Gostaria de saber como se diz em inglês "juntar a fome com a vontade de comer". Será que existe uma expressão idiomática equivalente?

Muito obrigado, e até mais, Laumont.

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3 respostas
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Daniel.S 1 2 11
Hi there!

Hunger is the best sauce

Everything tastes especially good when you are hungry, because you are so eager to eat it.

Ex: After our twenty-mile hike, we stopped at a little roadside restaurant.

Ex: It may have been that they made the most delicious food in the world there, or it may have been that hunger was the best sauce.

Take care,

Breckenfeld 3 15 131
My suggestion:

That's hunger and the desire to eat put together.

To match succesfully two desires at one time.