Como dizer “Ler um livro num fôlego só” em inglês

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Ex.: Os livros do Garcia Márquez são para serem lidos (num) de um fôlego só.

De um (só) fôlego – De uma assentada só, sem intervalos. (Aulete)

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Os livros do Garcia Márquez são para serem lidos (num) de um fôlego só.
Garcia Márquez´s (it also can be Marquez in English, speaking in a general way) books/works and novels are to be read in one sitting.

Notice: A book to read (or to be read) in one sitting may mean that you just can´t put it down, so interesting it is. It´s different of a book that is meant to read in one sitting (here contrasting with the ones that aren´t meant to).
Books that are not meant to be read in one sitting, for example, religious books, The Scriptures, Philosophy books and others.