Como dizer "Levar uma chamada(bronca) do chefe" em inglês

Como eu digo isso? Nós temos o costume de dizer por exemplo :
Mike levou uma chamada do chefe.
Sarah levou uma bronca do chefe.

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5 respostas
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Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Levar uma bronca:
to get told off
to get scolded

Dar uma bronca:
to give sb a telling-off
to give sb a scolding
Simon Vasconcelos 11 225
Mike took a scolding from his boss.
Sarah got told off from her boss.
Perfect! Valeuu!
jlmmelo 14 107
stern rebuke
Mike has earned a stern rebuke from his boss.

DBS gets stern rebuke
BLUNDERS triggered by two IBM engineers have earned DBS Bank a stern rebuke from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) for the crash of its banking network last month. ... 62217.html
"call someone on the carpet"
To call someone on the carpet is a common idiom (some would even say common enough to be a cliché) meaning to reprimand a subordinate, or demand that they explain their actions. Like many idioms, its meaning, if not actually opaque, is not entirely transparent. What is the carpet that the expression is figuratively referring to? And why is it almost always phrased "call someone on the carpet" instead of "onto the carpet"?