Como dizer "Linha de entrada/saída" em inglês

Olá pessoal,

Eu estou escrevendo algumas frases no contexto de transporte ferroviário em inglês. Eu gostaria de escrever "linhas de entrada", o que significa linhas ferroviárias que dão acesso a alguma instalação (terminal de descarga, porto, etc), e também "linhas de saída". Vocês poderiam por favor me sugerir como eu poderia escrever esses termos em inglês? Eu pensei em algo como "entrance line/ exit line", mas pesquisei a respeito e não consegui confirmar se "entrance" ou "exit" podem ser usados como adjetivo.


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2 respostas
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Redseahorse 4 36 579
Pensei em "Arrival/Departure Tracks"... Ex: Dedicated arrival and departure tracks with a 27 five-platform rail car capacity.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I would think of "terminal" (rail terminal) which (per Wikipedia definition) is a station at the end of the railway line, depending of the layout trains reverse out of the station (and leave in the reverse direction from that of their arrival).
It's common the detachment of the locomotive (the engine in their parlance) from the train and the use of another track to turn it around and re-attach in the reverse position (re-attach to the cars - in their parlance).
As for the tracks proper, we could tell one of the other by their purpose: loop tracks (that comes off the main line and merge back to the main line by the switches. There is also maintenance tracks, refuge tracks, escape tracks (a.k.a a headshunt - sometimes terminal headshunt) etc.