Como dizer "Mandar passear" em inglês

Como dizer "Mandar passear" em inglês
1 31 435
Como dizer "Mandar passear" em inglês?

Contexto: Terminar um relacionamento, um namoro ou o casamento.

- Qualquer dia desses eu mando o meu marido passear.

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In addition to the above ones:
Qualquer dia desses eu mando o meu marido passear.

One of these days I will kick (my) hubby hard on the ass and let him go. (For good!)
One of these days we are going separate ways, I and (my) hubby.

If he keeps drinking like a skunk and coming late home, I will ditch him on spot!
If he stay out past 4 am, I gonna leave home. [1]
If he stay out past 4 am, I gonna leave home, it´s the end of it.[2]
If he stay out past 4 am, he´s gonna leave home, it´s the end of it.[3]

As it was kinda slangy initially, I kept it the same way in its English version.
The usage depends on context, for example, in [1] and [2] "ele vai passear" but she is leaving home, she doesn´t want him anymore. In [3] she doesn´t want him anymore, but he is the one to go.
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16 60 498

Be given the boot.
He's been given the boot.
6 71

Here are some words related to break a relantionship with a partner:

Ex: Break up the relantioship
Ex: Dump
Ex:Patch up a relantiosnship
Ex: Split up
24 105 397

To ditch someone
To dump someone
To send someone packing
To give someone the heave-ho

Ex.: "She gave her husband the old heave-ho after she found out he'd been cheating on her".
6 71
Patch up a relantiosnship
So corrigindo um erro meu, patch up a relantioship seria reatar o namoro.

Thanks Juliana for the heads up
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Eu poderia usar a expressão "take a walk" no sentido de "vá passear" ?
16 60 498
Hi there!

I don't think so, not in the context here.
Your example would be translated "vá dar uma volta, um passeio, caminhar.

24 105 397
"Take a walk" pode ser usado como uma maneira de "mandar alguém para longe". "Take a hike" também funciona.

"Why don't you take a walk?" (Não enche, se manda etc.)

"He wouldn't stop pestering me so I told him to take a hike".